Nose filler – Rhino filler

What it solves

Crooked nose

Drooping tip

Wavy nose

Concave nose

Nose filler is an innovative and non-surgical aesthetic medicinal technique for reshaping the nose. This procedure is performed using special hyaluronic acid-based fillers, biocompatible and absorbable in 12-18 months, thanks to which it is possible to redesign the nose, obtaining the desired shape.

The low invasiveness, moderate costs and temporariness of the treatment, which allows the patient to see themselves with a different, non-permanent nose, makes the nose filler technique one of the most requested aesthetic medical procedures.

Rhinofiller, non-surgical treatment

Quick and painless, the nose filler treatment involves injecting filler into the nose, allowing for non-surgical reshaping.
This technique visibly improves the profile, and allows to correct defects such as a hump, or certain lateral asymmetries. The volumizing filler will augment irregular areas and depressions, harmonizing the contours of the nose; it also makes it possible to lift the tip or elevate the root.
This is why nose filler is considered a non-surgical rhinoplasty.

Nose filler results

The procedure allows the patient to:

  • get rid of a hump;
  • correct concave and “saddle” nose (empty nose in its lateral portions);
  • lift the tip to obtain an “upturned nose”.

Contrary to what patients are sometimes told, nose filler isn’t exclusively an aesthetic procedure, but can also correct functional problems, where, of course, there is a genuine need. In fact, even if it does not solve septal deviations, it can improve breathing thanks to the enlargement of the nasal cavity.

The effects of nose fillers are visible straight after treatment, and return to social life is almost immediate.

The help of Lipogems® technique stabilizes the filler and maximizes results, immediately and in the long term. It is indicated for patients that have already been operated on several times, with thin and scarred skin, both to correct the shape and to prepare the tissues for possible rhinoplasty.

In summary

For whom it is appropriate

Nose fillers are indicated for those patients seeking a non-surgical correction of their nose. Its great advantage is its temporary nature (the filler will be reabsorbed in 12-18 months). At the same time, session after session, the filler becomes more durable, so much so that on some patients it is not even necessary to repeat the entire procedure: a minimal touch-up is enough.


From adolescence onwards.


Injection without local anesthesia. The application of ice is sufficient.


The procedure is usually performed in half an hour, often even less.

Social return



Image team led by Prof. Carlo Tremolada performs rhino filler procedures in Milan.


You can view before and after photos of rhino filler at our clinic. The material related to previously treated cases allows you to evaluate examples of results according to specific requirements.


View the prices page, or fill out the form to request information.


Dopo quanto tempo finisce l’effetto del rinofiller?

Gli effetti del trattamento di rinofiller durano circa sei mesi.

Assolutamente no. Il rinofiller può ingentilire la gobba e modificare la punta del naso all’ingiù, ma non è uguale a una rinoplastica, in quanto non può ridurre le dimensioni del naso, né correggere eventuali deviazioni del setto.

Il rinofiller è inutile se c’è un’indicazione strettamente chirurgica per cui bisogna ricorrere a una rinoplastica o a una rinosettoplastica. Inoltre, è bene evitarlo in caso di gravidanza e allattamento.

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