
Every single cell is the basic unit of living things
(Cell theory by M. Schleiden and T. Schwann).
A cell under the microscope is the leitmotiv we chose to underline the focus of the clinic: science, medicine, research.

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Ph.D. Carlo Tremolada

Scientific Director and Co-Founder of Image Regenerative Clinic.

Researcher and creator of the Lipogems® patent, the most widely used regenerative medicine and surgery technique in the world. Founder of Lipogems®, Exogems, and Lipobank, he trains generations of clinicians and surgeons in the application and use of the most advanced regenerative medicine and surgery.

The Clinic

A thousand square meters in the heart of Milan expertly distributed over two levels.
A space where the needs of the patient meet the expertise of the medical staff. The goal is to achieve and consolidate individual energy and health.

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a new regenerative line

Drawing on the experience of Image Regenerative Clinic and the Vision of Professor Carlo Tremolada, the first regenerative cosmetic line allowing you to bring home our clinic’s expertise was born.

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The team
A team of professionals led by the scientific direction of Professor Carlo Tremolada, with the widest expertise in all aspects of Regenerative Medicine.

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All scientific updates, international news on treatments, the latest trends in products, equipment and machinery, but not only: a real Regenerative Journal.