
Osteopathy is an increasingly popular alternative therapy being used in the modern era. It consists of treating functional disorders of the human body, starting with the manipulation of the bones, especially those in certain parts of the body, such as the back, neck and head. Accepted by the World Health Organization among complementary medicines, it uses a holistic approach through the stimulation of the natural mechanisms of self-regulation and self-healing.

Contemporary osteopathy merges scientific knowledge (anatomy, physiology, pathology and neurophysiology) together with holistic knowledge and understanding, and aims above all at the resolution of persistent or chronic pain.

Osteopathy is based on four principles, all linked to the concept of the person as a unit of body (capable of self-regulation, self-healing and health conservation), mind and spirit, in which structure and function relate to each other. In fact, the most effective therapy rests on the understanding of the basic values of body unity, self-regulation, and the interrelationship of unit and function.


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