Hand Surgery

Hand surgery was created to respond to the various problems that can affect this complex part of our body. We often realize the importance of our hands only when an accident, a malformation or a certain pathology deprive us of their full use. We are not fully aware of the importance of grasping, lifting, and feeling a particular object, as they are mechanical and common actions in everyday life. But the quality of our life depends precisely on these simple movements. And again,
thanks to these movements, our ability to move and interact with the world around us has developed over the years.
For the German philosopher Immanuel Kant, the hands were "man’s external brain", while for the pedagogue Maria Montessori they were "the organ of the mind". The most common problems of the hand include inflammatory tendon, nerve or arthritic pathologies, and compressive pathologies of the nerves, scars, wounds and traumas. These various conditions may require conservative treatment (braces, physio kinesitherapy, ozone therapy, corticosteroid infiltrations, anti-inflammatories) or surgical treatment. Furthermore, in some hand pathologies, regenerative surgery allows patients to achieve excellent results in terms of functional recovery and easing of complications.